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Randomized experiments

What If: Chapter 2

Elena Dudukina


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Greek gods: observed data

Only one of the two counterfactual outcomes is known: the one corresponding to the treatment level actually received

## # A tibble: 20 x 5
## greek A Y_obs Y_a0 Y_a1
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Rheia 0 0 0 NA
## 2 Kronos 0 1 1 NA
## 3 Demeter 0 0 0 NA
## 4 Hades 0 0 0 NA
## 5 Hestia 1 0 NA 0
## 6 Poseidon 1 0 NA 0
## 7 Hera 1 0 NA 0
## 8 Zeus 1 1 NA 1
## 9 Artemis 0 1 1 NA
## 10 Apollo 0 1 1 NA
## 11 Leto 0 0 0 NA
## 12 Ares 1 1 NA 1
## 13 Athena 1 1 NA 1
## 14 Hephaestus 1 1 NA 1
## 15 Aphrodite 1 1 NA 1
## 16 Cyclope 1 1 NA 1
## 17 Persephone 1 1 NA 1
## 18 Hermes 1 0 NA 0
## 19 Hebe 1 0 NA 0
## 20 Dionysus 1 0 NA 0
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Randomized experiments

  • Randomization ensures that the missing values on potential outcomes (PO) occurred by chance
  • Effect measures can be consistently estimated
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Hypothetical randomized experiment

  • Flipping not a fair coin
    • if tails → assign treatment A=1/membership in a "white" group
    • otherwise → treatment A=0/membership in a "grey" group
    • probability of tossing tails is 0.6
  • Associational risk ratio: Pr[Y=1|A=1] / Pr[Y=1|A=0] = 0.3/0.6 = 0.5
  • Assumptions: no loss to follow-up, full adherence to the assigned treatment over the duration of the study, a single version of treatment, and double blind assignment
  • Had we assigned the reverse treatment levels at random to this population, the association would be the same
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  • When group membership is randomized, which particular group gets the treatment is irrelevant for the value of Pr[Y=1|A=1] (conditional probability of the outcome given the exposure level)
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  • When group membership is randomized, which particular group gets the treatment is irrelevant for the value of Pr[Y=1|A=1] (conditional probability of the outcome given the exposure level)
  • The probability of the potential outcome Ya is the same under A=1 and A=0
    • Pr[Ya=1|A=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=0], then
    • Pr[Ya=1|A=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=0] = Pr[Ya=1] (in RCT)
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  • When group membership is randomized, which particular group gets the treatment is irrelevant for the value of Pr[Y=1|A=1] (conditional probability of the outcome given the exposure level)
  • The probability of the potential outcome Ya is the same under A=1 and A=0

    • Pr[Ya=1|A=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=0], then
    • Pr[Ya=1|A=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=0] = Pr[Ya=1] (in RCT)
  • Ya⊥⊥ A for all a

  • For the binary treatment variable scenario:
    • Ya⊥⊥ A=1
    • Ya⊥⊥ A=0
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  • When group membership is randomized, which particular group gets the treatment is irrelevant for the value of Pr[Y=1|A=1] (conditional probability of the outcome given the exposure level)
  • The probability of the potential outcome Ya is the same under A=1 and A=0

    • Pr[Ya=1|A=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=0], then
    • Pr[Ya=1|A=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=0] = Pr[Ya=1] (in RCT)
  • Ya⊥⊥ A for all a

  • For the binary treatment variable scenario:

    • Ya⊥⊥ A=1
    • Ya⊥⊥ A=0
  • The actual treatment level A does not predict PO Ya

    • Knowing the actual received treatment level does not tell you anything about the probability of the PO outcome in that group
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In an ideal randomized experiment the association is causation

Under exchangeability:

  • Pr[Ya=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=a]
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In an ideal randomized experiment the association is causation

Under exchangeability:

  • Pr[Ya=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=a]- Pr[Ya=1=1] = Pr[Ya=1=1|A=1]
  • Pr[Ya=0=1] = Pr[Ya=0=1|A=0]
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Exchangeability is about PO outcome independence of actual treatment

  • Exchangeability: Ya⊥⊥ A
  • Conditional independence of two observed variables: Y⊥⊥ A
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Hypothetical exchangeability assumption check

  • In reality, exchangeability is untestable assumption
  • To explore the concept of exchangeability, we go back to table 1.1, where we have hypothetical data on both potential outcomes under A=1 and under A=0
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Greek gods, their actual treatment level and POs under actual and counterfactual levels of treatment

## # A tibble: 20 x 4
## greek A Y_a0 Y_a1
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Rheia 0 0 1
## 2 Kronos 0 1 0
## 3 Demeter 0 0 0
## 4 Hades 0 0 0
## 5 Hestia 1 0 0
## 6 Poseidon 1 1 0
## 7 Hera 1 0 0
## 8 Zeus 1 0 1
## 9 Artemis 0 1 1
## 10 Apollo 0 1 0
## 11 Leto 0 0 1
## 12 Ares 1 1 1
## 13 Athena 1 1 1
## 14 Hephaestus 1 0 1
## 15 Aphrodite 1 0 1
## 16 Cyclope 1 0 1
## 17 Persephone 1 1 1
## 18 Hermes 1 1 0
## 19 Hebe 1 1 0
## 20 Dionysus 1 1 0
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Explore exchangeability assumption among greek gods

  • Ya=0
    • Had the treated and untreated gods were exchangeable, Ya⊥⊥ A and Pr[Ya=1|A=1] = Pr[Ya=1|A=0]
    • Is Ya⊥⊥ A for a=0Pr[Ya=0=1|A=0] = Pr[Ya=0=1|A=1]?
greek_gods_potential_outcomes %>%
group_by(A) %>%
count(Y_a0) %>%
denominator = sum(n),
pr_of_Y_a0 = round(n / denominator, 2)
) %>%
filter(Y_a0 == 1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## # Groups: A [2]
## A Y_a0 n denominator pr_of_Y_a0
## <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 0 1 3 7 0.43
## 2 1 1 7 13 0.54
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  • Pr[Ya=0=1|A=0] = 0.43 and Pr[Ya=0=1|A=1] = 0.54, then
    • Pr[Ya=0=1|A=0] < Pr[Ya=0=1|A=1]
    • Under consistency: Pr[Ya=0=1|A=0] = Pr[Y=1|A=0]
    • In words, treated individuals had they been untreated (A=0) had a higher probability of dying
    • Exchangeability does not hold for the greek gods
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Explore exchangeability assumption among greek gods

  • Ya=1
    • Is Ya⊥⊥ A for a=1Pr[Ya=1=1|A=0] = Pr[Ya=1=1|A=1]?
greek_gods_potential_outcomes %>%
group_by(A) %>%
count(Y_a1) %>%
denominator = sum(n),
pr_of_Y_a1 = round(n / denominator, 2)
) %>%
filter(Y_a1 == 1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## # Groups: A [2]
## A Y_a1 n denominator pr_of_Y_a1
## <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 0 1 3 7 0.43
## 2 1 1 7 13 0.54
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  • Pr[Ya=1=1|A=0] = 0.43 and Pr[Ya=1=1|A=1] = 0.54, then
    • Pr[Ya=1=1|A=0] < Pr[Ya=1=1|A=1]
    • Under consistency: Pr[Ya=1=1|A=1] = Pr[Y=1|A=1]
    • In words, actually treated individuals had a higher probability of dying than untreated had they been treated (A=1)
    • Exchangeability does not hold for the greek gods
    • Knowing the actual received treatment level tells us something about the probability of the PO → being treated means having a higher probability of potential death
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Marginal randomization vs. conditional randomization

  • Marginal randomization (RCT): unconditional assignment of treatment probability

  • Introducing prognostic factor L

## # A tibble: 20 x 6
## greek L A Y_obs Y_a0 Y_a1
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Rheia 0 0 0 0 NA
## 2 Kronos 0 0 1 1 NA
## 3 Demeter 0 0 0 0 NA
## 4 Hades 0 0 0 0 NA
## 5 Hestia 0 1 0 NA 0
## 6 Poseidon 0 1 0 NA 0
## 7 Hera 0 1 0 NA 0
## 8 Zeus 0 1 1 NA 1
## 9 Artemis 1 0 1 1 NA
## 10 Apollo 1 0 1 1 NA
## 11 Leto 1 0 0 0 NA
## 12 Ares 1 1 1 NA 1
## 13 Athena 1 1 1 NA 1
## 14 Hephaestus 1 1 1 NA 1
## 15 Aphrodite 1 1 1 NA 1
## 16 Cyclope 1 1 1 NA 1
## 17 Persephone 1 1 1 NA 1
## 18 Hermes 1 1 0 NA 0
## 19 Hebe 1 1 0 NA 0
## 20 Dionysus 1 1 0 NA 0
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Conditional randomization

  • Assigning the probability of treatment based on the value of prognostic factor L
  • Conditional exchangeability: Ya⊥⊥ A|L for all a and all l (A and L being variables and a and l being values of these variables)
    • Conditional exchangeability given L guarantees the exchangeability within the levels of L
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Risk ratio in a conditionally randomized study (observational study)

  • Associations risk ratio
# broke
greek_gods_condrand %>%
group_by(A) %>%
count(Y_obs) %>%
denominator = sum(n),
risk = round(n/sum(n), digits = 2)
) %>%
filter(Y_obs == 1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## # Groups: A [2]
## A Y_obs n denominator risk
## <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 0 1 3 7 0.43
## 2 1 1 7 13 0.54
## [1] 1.255814
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# woke
greek_gods_condrand %>%
glm(formula = Y_obs ~ A, family = binomial(link = "log")) %>%
broom::tidy(exponentiate = T) %>%
filter(term == "A") %>%
select(term, estimate)
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## term estimate
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 A 1.26
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Risk ratio in a conditionally randomized study (e.g., observational study)

  • L-stratum specific causal risk ratios
    1. Pr[Ya=1=1|L=1]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=1]
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Risk ratio in a conditionally randomized study (e.g., observational study)

  • L-stratum specific causal risk ratios

    1. Pr[Ya=1=1|L=1]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=1]

    2. Pr[Ya=1=1|L=0]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=0]

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Risk ratio in a conditionally randomized study (e.g., observational study)

  • L-stratum specific causal risk ratios

    1. Pr[Ya=1=1|L=1]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=1]

    2. Pr[Ya=1=1|L=0]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=0]

  • Average causal effect in the entire population:

    • Pr[Ya=1=1]Pr[Ya=0=1]
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  • Pr[Ya=1=1|L=1]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=1]
    • under conditional exchangeability = Pr[Ya=1=1|L=1,A=1]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=1,A=0]
    • under consistency = Pr[Y=1|L=1,A=1]Pr[Y=1|L=1,A=0]
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  • Pr[Ya=1=1|L=1]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=1]

    • under conditional exchangeability = Pr[Ya=1=1|L=1,A=1]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=1,A=0]
    • under consistency = Pr[Y=1|L=1,A=1]Pr[Y=1|L=1,A=0]
  • Same for the stratum L=0

    • Pr[Ya=1=1|L=0]Pr[Ya=0=1|L=0] = Pr[Y=1|L=0,A=1]Pr[Y=1|L=0,A=0]
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Strata L=0

greek_gods_condrand %>%
filter(L == 0) %>%
group_by(A) %>%
count(Y_obs) %>%
denominator = sum(n),
risk = round(n/sum(n), digits = 2)
) %>%
filter(Y_obs == 1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## # Groups: A [2]
## A Y_obs n denominator risk
## <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 0 1 1 4 0.25
## 2 1 1 1 4 0.25
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Strata L=1

greek_gods_condrand %>%
filter(L == 1) %>%
group_by(A) %>%
count(Y_obs) %>%
denominator = sum(n),
risk = round(n/sum(n), digits = 2)
) %>%
filter(Y_obs == 1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## # Groups: A [2]
## A Y_obs n denominator risk
## <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 0 1 2 3 0.67
## 2 1 1 6 9 0.67
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Average causal effect for the whole population:

  • Weighted average of the effects in L=1 and L=0
  • Weights are proportional to the size of L-strata
## [1] 0.6


  • = ΣlPr[Ya=1=1|L,A=1]Pr(L)ΣlPr[Ya=0=1|L,A=0]Pr(L) (under conditional exchangeability)
  • = ΣlPr[Y=1|L,A=1]Pr(L)ΣlPr[Y=1|L,A=0]Pr(L) for all L=l (under consistency)
  • = Pr[Y=1|L=0,A=1]Pr(L=0)+Pr[Y=1|L=1,A=1]Pr(L=1)Pr[Y=1|L=0,A=0]Pr(L=0)+Pr[Y=1|L=1,A=0]Pr(L=1)
  • = 0.250.4+0.670.60.250.4+0.670.6
  • = 0.5020.502
  • = 1.0

Standardization formula: Pr(Ya=1)=ΣlPr(Y=1|A=a,L=l)Pr(L=l)

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Inverse probability weighting

pr_a <- glm(data = greek_gods_condrand, formula = A~1, family = binomial("logit"))
pr_a_l <- glm(data = greek_gods_condrand, formula = A~L, family = binomial("logit"))
greek_gods_condrand %<>% mutate(
p_a = predict(object = pr_a, type = "response"),
p_a_l = predict(object = pr_a_l, type = "response"),
# average treatment effect
iptw = if_else(A==1, 1/p_a_l, 1/(1-p_a_l)), # unstabilized weights
sw_iptw = if_else(A==1, p_a/p_a_l, (1-p_a)/(1-p_a_l)) # stabilized weights
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greek_gods_condrand %>%
select(iptw, sw_iptw) %>%

Table: Data summary

Name Piped data
Number of rows 20
Number of columns 2
Column type frequency:
numeric 2
Group variables None

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
iptw 0 1 2 0.92 1.33 1.33 2.00 2.0 4.0 ▇▇▁▁▂
sw_iptw 0 1 1 0.27 0.70 0.87 0.87 1.3 1.4 ▃▇▁▁▆
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Figure 2.3

greek_gods_condrand %>%
distinct(A, Y_obs, L, iptw, sw_iptw)
## # A tibble: 8 x 5
## L A Y_obs iptw sw_iptw
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0 0 0 2.00 0.7
## 2 0 0 1 2.00 0.7
## 3 0 1 0 2. 1.30
## 4 0 1 1 2. 1.30
## 5 1 0 1 4.00 1.40
## 6 1 0 0 4.00 1.40
## 7 1 1 1 1.33 0.867
## 8 1 1 0 1.33 0.867
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glm(data = greek_gods_condrand, formula = Y_obs~A, family = binomial("log"), weights = iptw) %>%
broom::tidy(exponentiate = T) %>%
filter(term == "A") %>%
select(term, estimate)
## Warning in eval(family$initialize): non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## term estimate
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 A 1.00
glm(data = greek_gods_condrand, formula = Y_obs~A, family = binomial("log"), weights = sw_iptw) %>%
broom::tidy(exponentiate = T) %>%
filter(term == "A") %>%
select(term, estimate)
## Warning in eval(family$initialize): non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## term estimate
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 A 1.00
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# crude 2x2 table
greek_gods_condrand %>%
group_by(A) %>%
count(Y_obs) %>%
denominator = sum(n)
) %>%
filter(Y_obs == 1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
## # Groups: A [2]
## A Y_obs n denominator
## <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
## 1 0 1 3 7
## 2 1 1 7 13
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# unstabilized weights doubled the size of the population
greek_gods_condrand %>%
group_by(A) %>%
count(Y_obs, wt = iptw) %>%
denominator = sum(n)
) %>%
filter(Y_obs == 1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
## # Groups: A [2]
## A Y_obs n denominator
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0 1 10.0 20.0
## 2 1 1 10. 20.
28 / 29
# stabilized weights kept the original size of the population
greek_gods_condrand %>%
group_by(A) %>%
count(Y_obs, wt = sw_iptw) %>%
denominator = sum(n)
) %>%
filter(Y_obs == 1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
## # Groups: A [2]
## A Y_obs n denominator
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0 1 3.50 7.00
## 2 1 1 6.5 13.
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Greek gods: observed data

Only one of the two counterfactual outcomes is known: the one corresponding to the treatment level actually received

## # A tibble: 20 x 5
## greek A Y_obs Y_a0 Y_a1
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Rheia 0 0 0 NA
## 2 Kronos 0 1 1 NA
## 3 Demeter 0 0 0 NA
## 4 Hades 0 0 0 NA
## 5 Hestia 1 0 NA 0
## 6 Poseidon 1 0 NA 0
## 7 Hera 1 0 NA 0
## 8 Zeus 1 1 NA 1
## 9 Artemis 0 1 1 NA
## 10 Apollo 0 1 1 NA
## 11 Leto 0 0 0 NA
## 12 Ares 1 1 NA 1
## 13 Athena 1 1 NA 1
## 14 Hephaestus 1 1 NA 1
## 15 Aphrodite 1 1 NA 1
## 16 Cyclope 1 1 NA 1
## 17 Persephone 1 1 NA 1
## 18 Hermes 1 0 NA 0
## 19 Hebe 1 0 NA 0
## 20 Dionysus 1 0 NA 0
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